The Phillies will open their season today against the Nats, who played MLB's second season-opener last night against the Braves. And, before I get into this, what the hell is major league baseball thinking?
First, they have a dumbass two-game series between Oakland of all teams against the Red Sox. Ok, if you are going to have a series in Japan why not make it an exhibition first off? And, secondly why match up the A's and the Red Sox? There's no rivalry there! Now, Yankees-Red Sox in Japan, that I can see plus you have Japanese players on BOTH teams that have name recognition here and there.
And, on top of that they had this 2-game series in Japan while EVERYBODY else in baseball was still in pre-season.
For that to be the season opener is a joke. I could give a damn about what MLB's presence is like in Japan. It's as bad as the NFL starting to have games abroad and pushing for a 17-game schedule. Here's a message to the NFL and MLB, most Americans don't give a damn about putting the games on an international stage. They are American sports and that's where we want the games.
Moving along, why the hell is Major League Baseball making the Braves and Nationals play a one-game series for the other season opener? You know the one that should have been the real season opener in friggin' America. If you're going to have the Braves and Nationals face off in the season opener, why not have them play a 3-game series? I understand they're trying to pimp out the Nats new stadium on TV, but make it a 3-game series! Just another example of why Major League Baseball is second fiddle to the NFL. Bud Selig is a complete moron and his flunkies beneath him aren't doing a much better job of marketing the game. AND, MARKET THE GAME HERE TO AMERICAN KIDS. It's so fundamental. No, they'd rather put friggin' Viagara ads behind home plate on their national games on Fox. Brilliant.
Ok, now that I'm done my rant about the piss poor marketing of MLB, let's talk some Phillies. Everybody knows they're a good team. But, how good are they?
I see them winning 90 games right now and winning the division. And, that's with questions on starting pitching. If they make a move or two to add a quality starter and bullpen depth, then they can seriously win 100 games and win it all. Right now, they'll compete in the NL and even with issues at the 3rd, 4th, 5th starters and bullpen they'll win 90. Their offense is that good. And, Hamels and Myers will win 35 games between them.
Now, the 3 through 5 starter spots are issues. Kendrick has been shaky and looks to be suffering a sophomore slump. He could very well pitch himself out of the rotation. And, that's scary. Moyer is a 5-6 inning pitcher. And, the 5th starter spot is a disaster as we all know. Hell, I just posted an Adam Eaton auction on ebay to display my disgust with him!
Kris Benson is said to be coming back soon, but how soon? Charlie Manuel said he expects him back in May, so that means Eaton Feces will pitch a few games and we just gotta hope for the offense to carry the team.
All in all, I see them beating out the Mets once again, even with Santana. Let's not forget that Pedro Martinez is a lot older and not the same pitcher he once was and even when he was in his prime he'd have DL stints. Santana and Maine are their only reliable pitchers when you come down to it, just like Hamels and Myers are the Phillies' only reliable options. Pound for pound, I'll take the Phillies sqaud over theirs.
There you have it.
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