Monday, January 14, 2008

It's Not Fair

In case you haven't heard, TO has lost it again. Yep-he was crying during his press conference because the ole media wouldn't leave poor little Tony alone.

Yep-the same media, which has made him a superstar has now reduced him to a scapegoat. I wonder what TO was saying when ESPN was hyping him up and shoving him down the throats of non-Cowboys fans on a daily basis.

In case you haven't seen the video; here's the link.


Anonymous said...

LOL. TO acting like a bitch! I love it.

Anonymous said...

you are such a phony terrell- fake tears and fake feelings for all of a sudden your team - your quarterback- we know its all about you baby - take a few pills and call somebody in the morning- you loser now t.o.-but being from philly - i already knew that - and by the way where were the tears for the eagles when they lost their chance at the superbowl with you on the team - yeah right - kiss my philly azz