AI scores 38 in second game against Sixers since the trade
Count me among the many people who said the Sixers had to trade AI last year. In fact, I was saying it for a few years. He's an incredible player; one of the 50 best players of all time, but it had run it's course.
It's amazing to see him still play the way he is, at such a high level. On post game live last night, Lance Crawford and Alvin Williams brought up some great points about him and it's really amazing when you think about how small he is and how he plays that he STILL hasn't broken down yet.
AI is like the Energizer bunny.
But, I still think the Sixers are better off having blown this team up and rebuilding.
Let's just hope good judgment prevails and they don't overpay the other AI when he becomes a free agent this summer.
Giants set to play the Cowboys
Well, well, well. It seems like every team in the NFC East is enjoying some playoff action except the Eagles. Wait...every team has.
The Skins got bounced in Seattle, but the Cowboys and Giants are slated to duke it out on Sunday.
It's almost every Eagles' fans worst nightmare. Who do you root for?
It's like choosing between a root canal and having a catheter put in. Choosing between brain cancer and liver cancer. Choosing between banging your sister or your mom.
Ok, maybe not that bad, but it sucks to see division foes playing eachother in the playoffs. Doesn't happen often.
I hate to say it, but I'm going to root for She-Li Manning on Sunday.
And, ultimately I don't see the Cowboys making it anyway. Remember Wade Phillips hasn't one jack (expletive deleted) in the playoffs. He has zero, count 'em zero playoff wins. He is the poor man's Marty Schottenheimer in January.
Mark this one down. The Seahawks will play the Colts in the Super Bowl.
I've been wrong before though, many times, but I'll proudly admit it.
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