I'm sure you know by now that Andy Reid abruptly cut his press conference short after 10 minutes when he was being harrassed by the media.
Howard Eskin, who is annoying me to no end with his defense of Reid insisted it was the PR department that cut it short and that radio stations and the TV media alike shouldn't ask the same questions over and over for their personal needs.
I've never heard such excuses. Eskin's defense of Reid is beyond ludicrous at this point. It's one thing to "be on an island" and defend somebody, but it's another to completely ignore the ship sinking into the ocean.
Merrill Reese was on WIP this morning and thinks Reid is as confident as ever and one thing is certain he won't quit. That might be the danger in all of this though. Just like when they were 5-8 last year and on the way to at least getting a better draft pick this team won 3 straight games almost out of spite-to prove a point how bad they weren't.
Now they're sitting at 5-5-1 and Reid and McNabb are confident once again and ready to shake off this latest calamity as but another bump in the journey.
This is the type of logic that an addictive gambler exhibits after losing 10 straight hands of blackjack, hoping to make it back on the 11th.
And, soon they end up with both legs broken.
On the other hand, you can't expect Reid and/or McNabb to just say they flat out give up. It sure would be great if Reid did though.
One guy Reid is pretty mad at is Sal Palantonio, who he got pissed off at during the press conference yesterday for talking about the team meeting, the same team meeting that was public knowledge.
And, Reid had this to offer later on yesterday.
Reid was quoted as saying, "I forgot more about this game last night then you people will ever know-you too Sal Palantonio" as he grabbed a cheesesteak at Geno's on Monday.
Emmitt Smith had an interesting comment too on Monday Night Countdown last night.
Emmitt Smith was quoted as saying, "Them Eagles is a bits off but and sure looking to make change to be on the right track for Friday Night's Thanksgiving game against my former team the St. Louis Cardinals."
So, am I the only one who's had an opportunity to get tickets to this game? The company I work for is putting them up in a raffle. And, my company rarely does this. They hold onto tickets like gold bulliion, but of course this is a game nobody wants to go to.
Hell, you couldn't pay me $200 to go to the game Thursday night.
I'll be relaxing comfortably in my apartment with drink in hand cursing at another Eagles loss on primetime TV.
That's all for now.
"Eskin's defense of Reid is beyond ludicrous at this point."
how bout it? sometimes i don't know who's a bigger mouthpiece for the eagles organization, howard eskin or dave spadaro.
mikey miss tore reid a new one on 950 yesterday. it was great. with missinelli bein on the same time slot, i don't get why people still listen to the so-called 'king.'
when i see that picture of of mcnabb he reminds me of a person thats sick of his job and doesnt give a shit if he gets his work done or not, yeah he'll put on a good face for the media and his coaches but i think hes burnt out.
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