Yours truly had just graduated high school when the NL had last won the All-Star game. I had a feeling the NL would choke again last night after dozing off only to see their 2-0 lead evaporate to a 3-2 deficit. The NL is to All-star games what Philadelphia teams are to the later rounds of the playoffs. They're just bound to blow it.
The game was still tied at 3 a-piece when I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.
When I turned on WIP this morning to hear what happened I expected to hear that the NL lost in extra innings. What I didn't expect to hear was that this game, which started too damn late in the evening to begin with had lasted 15 innings! A game that didn't start until almost 9 o' friggin' clock had gone on well past 1:30 in the morning.
How ridiculous is it that not only did MLB have a parade at 7:00, but they start the festivities at 8:00 and milk it until near 9:00 before the first pitch? It was great to see all of those Hall of Famers on the field at the same time. MLB did a wonderful job with that as they paid homage to Yankees stadium. However, why didn't they do that at 7:00?!
There seems to be an emphasis on appeasing West coast audiences by having late start times. Not to sound coastal-centric but most of the big cities in this country are within the Eastern and Central time zones. It's these two time zones that should be catered to.
This problem also occurs in the playoffs when they foolishly put the prime-time games on at 9:00. The NBA is guilty of it to and no wonder why people don't watch the NBA playoffs. Most of the viewers who would watch are on the East coast and we're going to sleep before these games are halfway over, so why bother watching to begin with?
MLB should start their All-star and playoff games at 7:00. Who gives a damn if the West Coast cities can't see them. How do they think we feel when we're asleep and can't watch our favorite teams? Or, how do they think we feel when in the case of the Phillies last year they put the damn playoff games on in the middle of the afternoon while most of us working-stiffs are slaving away.
Last night's 15-inning, nearly 5-hour marathon affair is proof enough that events like the All-star game and playoff games should be aired at a time conducive to more people being able to watch. And, that my friends is viewers in the Eastern and Central time zones. Do the math-we do most of the watching.
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