For the second time in a week the Phillies wasted a great start by one of their pitchers. Last week it was Brett Myers, who saw his near no-hitter go up in smoke, only to lose 2-1. And, last night Cole Hamels had a magical night, striking out 13 in 8 innings, allowing just 2 runs, only to lose.
Tom Gordon reverted back to "Trash Gordon" last night by loading up the bases quicker then you can say "oh shit."
And, once Uggla hit that pitch, you knew it was over-boy was it sickening to watch.
Even though the Phillies' offense hardly showed up last night (getting just 4 hits off Andrew Miller) they should not have lost this game.
Both losses to the Marlins were inexecusable really. And, tonight they have a chance to get swept. Just a few days ago we were talking about the Phillies as being a World Series contender. And, maybe they are, but this series has been quite disheartening.
I chalk this series up to the ole road trip hangover/let-down. They were the hottest team in the NL over the past month and played at such a high level night in and night out and then they swept the Braves in Atlanta. Now, it's the proverbial let-down. The team looks sluggish on offense and a bit tired.
And, where the hell has Jimmy Rollins been? Hello! In 43 games he has 5 homers and just 22 RBI. And, in the month of June he has just 8 hits in 38 at-bats. He needs to get it going because he and Utley together make that offense go and Utley can't do it all by himself as good as he is.
Conlin a victim of a PC world
In case you haven't heard Bill Conlin was chastised by Comcast Sportsnet for a comment he made yesterday when some knucklehead wrote an email that they read on the air pertaining to the McNabb issue. This knucklehead basically said the media is making a big deal out of the McNabb situation. Some guy named Raul from Vineland, New Jersey wrote in to Daily News Live, and here's his email:
"Are you serious? It was a stupid question. It's tendonitis. Way to go Philly media. You guys do a great job over-analyzing everything."
And, Conlin responded by saying, "Amazing that guy would leave the blueberry harvest to send that off."
So, then Comcast responded after some suits in corporate got scared shitless (politically correct white fright as I refer to it) and made the following statement:
Columnist Bill Conlin made a remark that may have offended some of our viewers. His comments (do) not reflect the views of our network, and Bill issued the following statement: 'The comment was not meant to be controversial and certainly not meant to disparage anyone.' Bill will not be on air, pending further review," anchor Neil Hartman read.
Listen, I'm not racist, but I make jokes and take jokes like pretty much everybody I know regardless of race. You are living in an egg if you get offended by something like that. And, on the flip-side if a black person or hispanic person made a joke about a white person, we wouldn't even be hearing about it today. It's because corporate America is so scared of the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons of the world that they won't even defend a LEGEND like Bill Conlin over a harmless joke like this.
If I were at Comcast Sportsnet I'd have made no response and told whoever was complaining to go watch another channel if they didn't like it because they can get ratings regardless. It's time corporate America grows a set of balls and stop pandering to people who get offended over harmless jokes. Enough already!
Conlin has been suspended from his Daily News Live gig pending an investigation. And, that is a crying shame.
1 comment:
good old tom gordon..i got the feeling something tragic was going to happen after coming back in the 9th. At least we saved Hamels..
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