It's that time of the year again, which has become a day of mourning for Philadelphia fans and maybe even a holiday for some-the negadelphians.
May 31st 1983 was the last day that a major sports team in Philadelphia won a championship as you know, but tomorrow isn't just any anniversary; it's the 25th year without one.
Woo hoo! Philadelphia now owns the dubious distinction of being the only major city with 4 sports teams to go 25 years without a title.
At least we're first in something.
When they run polls on about the most tortured fans we can't even win that. We still lose out on that.
I won't resort to a cliche blog today and have sentence after sentence starting with something like "Only in Philadelphia can..." or "You know it's Philadelphia when..." and I won't rehash what I've done a hundred times already and open up old wounds by posting a photo of Ronde Barber racing down the sideline or Joe Carter celebrating his game-winning homer off Mitch Williams.
This drought is at this point beyond ludicrous and defies logic. Every season that goes in the odds of going this long without a title increase like the oil prices.
I'm not a statistician so I don't know the odds of a city going this long (98 seasons) without a title, but they have to be pretty damn high.
And, looking at this thing mathematically it's not hard to see why it's gone on so long; ownership. The Sixers and Flyers are owned by one entity, the Eagles are owned by another entity that does it their way, and the Phillies owners have been stingy and cheap and trying to do it their way.
When you have 50% of the teams represented by one owner-Ed Snider that means you take one additional voice out of the equation. The other 25% is consumed by an entity that doesn't do everything it takes to win in the Phillies. And, the Eagles who started to look like an ownership that would do everything it takes every year (during the early 2000's) they have failed us.
Cities with four different ownerships have better odds. And, when you have one of those ownerships committed to trying to profit that really brings down your odds.
Make sense?
Right now the Flyers have the best shot at winning. Ed Snider is the best owner in the city and this Flyers team is young and already after a rebuilding year were among the last four remaining teams in the playoffs.
They are followed by the Phillies and then the Eagles. The Eagles will be much better this year. Right now I see them as a 10-11 win team, but we've all been down the road with them before.
I know the Sixers are becoming a sexy pick for an up and comer, but without a bona fide superstar I don't see a title anytime soon. Who knows, Thaddeus Young might develop into one, but that's an if.
Ifs don't win in sports and we know that better than anybody.
Lito story is BS
Let me say one thing about the Lito Sheppard rumor that was put out there by 950 ESPN. It was a rumor meant to get their name out there!
I make no bones about it; I'm loyal to WIP and not just because I'm friends with Brian Startare, the great host on there.
In the radio business it's all about the bottom line and 950 needs to do everything they can to get listeners. I'll be honest, I've tried listening to them but every time I try to tune it in it's nothing but static. I say this, if you're trying to become a competitive station in this market, get a stronger friggin' frequency!
Anyhow, back onto Lito. He won't play WR for the Eagles. Now as G Cobb said on 610's Morning Show he did say the Eagles may offer him the opportunity to get a few snaps on offense, but it's more of a gimmick than anything else-a gesture if you will because cornerbacks idolize Deoin Sanders who set the benchmark for playing all over the place.
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