Yesterday I said I was rooting for the Giants. Not because I am a fake Eagles fan or because I want to see another division foe win their third title since 1983, when we of course have zero titles in any sport since then.
I rooted for them simply because I hated the Patriots more. In fact, I don't hate the Giants as much anymore. I've gotten over the "ticket-gate" sham in 2000 when they wouldn't allow Eagles fans to buy tickets to the divisional playoff game, in which only 60 Eagles reportedly were able to get tickets. That was before the days of stubhub however. And, I got over the alleged play stealing by the Giants. It's never been proven, but was awful suspicious. Maybe, the Giants were just a better team back then when they beat the Eagles 8 games in a row.
Then the Giants took a dump in the 2000's and were a "one-n-outter" until this year.
I rooted for them because the Patriots are a classless organization. Simple as that. I like Tom Brady, but it's a damn shame he's on a team I totally hate. Unlike the Chicago Bulls dynasty, which I rooted for, I despise the Patriots. I will admit I rooted for them in 2001 when they went on their run, but that was before they became an evil empire. Bellichick is a curmudgeon and the players on the team like Tedy Brusci act like they invented "team work."
That team work pre-game slop with the Patriots made me sick to my stomach.
Last night was one of the greatest nights in sports for me. It was akin to the Spurs knocking off the Lakers, halting their 4th straight championship. And, it was akin to the Pistons beating the Lakers in the finals. And, it ranked up there with the D-backs knocking off the Yankees in the 2001 World Series.
I like rooting for underdogs and I must admit I felt good when I saw Eli Manning pull it off last night. That drive at the end was one for the ages.
Now, the Eagles better not try and spin things and say how close they are to the Giants. They need to upgrade, upgrade, and upgrade some more. They need to go after Larry Fitzgerald, Dallas Clark, and get some animals on defense to get after the quarterback and create turnovers.
Because, their defense while decent this year is an alley cat, where as the attacking Giants defense is a tiger. And, they bring that style of defense back, like the one we saw in the late 80's and early 2000's. And, maybe then we'll stop watching everybody else win Super Bowls. Because Dallas isn't about to take a step back.
Were the Eagles cheated out of a Super Bowl in 2005?
Arlen Spector sure thinks so judging by his conversation with Angelo Cataldi on the Morning Show this morning on 610 WIP.
When asked if he would ask Commissioner Goodell if the Eagles got cheated he said that would be his "lead question."
One thing is for sure, the Patriots brought their D-game last night. Had they brought their D-game against the Eagles, there's no doubt they would have brought the Lombardi trophy to Philly.
Ravens interested in McNabb?
The Ravens reportedly are going to go after McNabb, now that former Eagles coach John Harbaugh is running the show.
Word is they're prepared to make a substantial offer for him. What that is yet, we don't know.
Should get interesting in the coming weeks.
1 comment:
First, thank god the Pats lost. I could hate the Giants more if they did not earn it, but they did beat the Patriots outright.
Second, even if the Patriots cheated to be us, the fact is Reid let that game slip. We had plenty of time to win that and Reid gave it away.
Third, the only way I could defend a McNabb trade is if it means we have 2 first round picks this year and manage to bring in a stud WR to help Kolb. With that, I think we still have a chance to win with Kolb this year but nothing less. Kolb cannot do it with the WR we have now.
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