Westbrook is now the latest Eagle to jump on board with McNabb in regards to speaking up to the front office about getting playmakers.
Whereas a crazy person would be a few cards shy of a full deck, the Eagles are a few weapons shy of an arsenal.
And, considering that Westbrook and McNabb are the two leaders of this team, it would stand to reason that the sentiment is growing throughout the team. Sure, Shelden Brown recently said McNabb went about it the wrong way, but it's clear as day Banner, Reid, and Heckert have to deliver.
"I think having more weapons on your team takes pressure off of everybody," said Westbrook.
And, when Westbrook was on Howard Eskin's show yesterday he said he would not hold out, despite clearly being underpaid.
To quote Bill Parcells from the Coors Light commercial, "That's a good thing, not a bad thing, but a good thing."
Flip Flopping
Michael Irvin is officially out of his mind. On Comcast the other day when he was asked about McNabb pining for more playmakers, and he said Donovan shouldn't have gone about it that way.
Then, turn to yesterday on Howard Eskin's show live from Glendale, Arizona and Irvin said he absolutely did the right thing.
It was like Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde with Irvin. In the span of 48 hours he made two contradictory statements!
Was he hitting the crack pipe the other day? He must have because his voice sounded slurred too.
This all but cements the fact that Irvin's opinion is worth about as much as a dirty syringe left in an alley.
Sixers set record last night
The Sixers last night set a record for the highest point margin in a win in the Wachovia Center with a 43-point win against the Milwaukee Bucks.
Nevermind that they played without their best player Michael Redd and were on the road and playing a back-to-back game.
The Sixers deserve to commended for this monstrous victory. Now, they gotta get back to tanking, because nobody gives a damn if they say they're two games out of the playoff race. That means jack (expletive deleted)!