Tuesday, December 4, 2007


Billy King has been fired as GM of the Sixers

As expected (late last night) the Sixers have formally announced the firing of Billy King and his replacement has been announced.

Ed Stefanski will be King's replacement. Stefanski was the GM of the Nets since 2004 and served under Rod Thorn, who was the architect of the teams that went to the NBA Finals two straight years.

The Sixers are in a position to be rebuilt from the ground up, which is the best thing going for them. They will be among one of the 3 or 4 worst teams by the end of this season and if Stefanski can move Andre Miller in a trade and lose that salary, they'll be looking at a payroll of just under $30 million. And, if Stefanski can pull off the unthinkable and move Samuel Dalembert's enormous contract they'll be at $20 million.

First things first, Stefanski has to evaluate Mo Cheeks' future with the team. He's done an adequate job with inadequate talent. He's a nice guy, a legend in Philly, but not coaching material. Adequate isn't good enough.

This was the right thing to do for the Sixers. King did a horrific job over the years-no need to repeat the "known knowns" blow-by-blow to quote one Donald Rumsfeld. His trades and signings were atrocious and set this team back for years. Many of those bad contracts are up and Webber's will come off the books at season's end. And, Andre Miller remains the last part of Iverson's money in effect, but he is movable.

It is in the Sixers' best interests to move Miller's money and try and move Dalembert for players with less years. There is no way in hell a team will give them an expiring contract or contracts for him so they just have to take back 2 or 3 years worth of contracts back since he still has 4 years remaining on that $60 million dollar (including this year).

This move was motivated more by the horrible attendance. The Sixers' attendance has dropped from over 20,000 a game in 2001 to around 10,000.

When you watch the games now, that arena looks and sounds like a crypt, just like it did in the days of Charles Shackleford, Shawn Bradley, and Sharone Wright.

Here is video of the press conference.


Reid gets testy again

Andy Reid continues to just thumb his nose at the fans and the media. God forbid anybody ask him a tough question.

They should just throw him softballs. Afterall, His Majesty has won how many Superbowls?

I must have forgot that his teams have won zero titles. You'd think he was Vince Lombardi with the way he acts at these press conferences.

Enough is enough. It's time for a regime change. This coach can't get it done and he doesn't even give a damn if you the fans get an answer.

Maybe he doesn't have one.

He doesn't seem to care either way.


McNabb likely to return against Giants

One thing we can take away from that joke of a press conference held by Reid is that #5 will likely return to practice on Wednesday.

For those of you who buy that propaganda being put out there by the Eagles about McNabb not running the offense the right way, you can forget about this team making the playoffs with anybody other than McNabb.

And, make no mistake about it, this business with "other quaterbacks running the offense more efficiently" is being put out there by Joe Banner and his henchmen. I know this from talking to someone in the know, who was asked to bad mouth McNabb in the papers.

The fact is, McNabb strength’s are more geared towards an offense with balance, a downfield threat and a tight end that can play, of which the Eagles possess none.

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